VOIP Over Satellite (2)
atau laptop computer Anda, dimanapun Anda berada. Yang Anda butuhkan hanyalah koneksi internet dan LAPTOP Anda. Semakin cepat koneksi web Anda, maka semakin baik pula kualitas siaran TV yang akan diterima.
Alejandro Ramos Encinosa, from the University of Havana, has written a short description of a campus WiFi challenge that may carry connectivity to the UH campus and close by neighborhoods. Ramos says there are over 25,000 students on campus and only about 3,000 computers in labs. Like ETECSA’s public WiFi hotpsots, college students will access the network using their own units, saving the college capital and maintenance prices.
There exists loads of expertise to beam wireless Internet signal nice distances on the bottom and low-price base stations to distribute a signal. It is a simple, flexible, and agile political and regulatory environment that is most missing. Using new applied sciences in the area requires navigating years of purple tape … Read the rest