Telecom Expense Management (TEM) – 3 Ways Inventory Can Help You Lower Your Costs
A telecom expense management (TEM) program is based upon an accurate telecommunications service inventory. The telecom inventory is the foundation for a number of different telecom management activities, such as tracking moves, adds and changes, carrier spending levels and network optimization. Without an accurate telecommunications inventory, your TEM program will only be partially effective. By following these three inventory related activities, you can get the most out of your telecom expense management program.
1) Track MACDs. A MACD (Moves, Adds, Changes, and Disconnections) order is one of the most complicated activities for an expense management program to track. Carrier provisioning systems create numerous service classifications that create different inventory management and telecom billing assurance challenges. Typical status types include (we will use customer oriented terms here, not standard carrier terms): ordered, installed but not turned up, in service and billing, cancelled but still in service, disconnected awaiting final bill, and … Read the rest