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Plato observed one could learn extra about one other individual in an hour of play than in a 12 months of conversation. Learning though play and video games is primal. The word game stems from old English gamen- meaning joy, fun, amusement. This is echoed in the historical Greek en Theos meaning god within, the premise of enthusiasm. A particular sort of learning happens during play and games when students are enthusiastic and joyful. The following is a quick, incomplete survey of some modern learning games via the ages. It’s inspired by and builds on Don Pavey’s Art-Based Games published in 1979.
Patent Quantity 470,783 In 1892, Andrew B. Dobbs of New Haven, Connecticut was awarded a patent for an early spy digital camera. The digital camera was designed to seem as a pair of books when transported. He assigned rights to this patent to the Scovill & Adams Company … Read the rest