24 Bit Digital Seismograph (3)
A seismograph is the gadget that scientists use to measure earthquakes. The purpose of a seismograph is to precisely file the movement of the ground during a quake.
I am not saying anything new right here, but the discourse must broadened, the ways of wanting and seeing must be adjusted from the previous to the current, our modus operandi is to resuscitate this African culture and redress our lack of know-how and realizing it, and follow new ways of making use of, manifesting and celebrating it, for that’s what we will recoup from our lost treasures/land/wealth/history/dance/music/languages and tradition.
On prime of rising wages, inflation expectations are stubbornly refusing to go lower. In different words, the market continues to anticipate inflation. That’s evidenced by TIPS, as recently defined and shown in What Is Really Driving Gold ” Inflation expectations have been on the rise since last year, and are on the … Read the rest