I may be dating myself, but this ole Kenny Rodgers song has some good advice for responsible persons in charge of your companies wireless environments bottom line. In the event that you just dropped in, would you have the tools in place and the expertise readily available to both decipher your companies wireless situation and be able to really determine what condition your wireless condition is in?
Anyone who has taken on the task to remodel a room has learned quickly that without the right tools the job takes 10 times longer than needed. With attention to detail you may get the right result. However, the amount of time that it took was completely unnecessary. How many times have you said to yourself (while in the middle of such a project), “This is ridiculous!”
Without the right tools combined with the best practices, your Telecom Management staff struggle long and hard to achieve their current results. In some cases they struggle just to keep your telecom services operational without even being able to really get to the bottom of knowing your wireless environments true condition.
If you were to just drop in to see what condition your wireless condition is in, would you be able to find the answers to such questions as these:
– What are you being invoiced for?
– Is all of your telecom information in one central location?
– How many times a year is your telecom invoices audited?
– Are you taking advantage of all possible available discounts?
– Do your audits of invoices frequently result in finding errors?
– How long does it take to audit and process your telecom invoices?
– What are the total costs of telecom expenditures across your entire company?
– What percentage of your telecom invoices are incurring late charges penalties?
– Are your company business rules being adhered too? Would you know if they weren’t?
– Are all your wireless phone on the right plan, in the right pool, and utilizing the right carrier?
– What are the contract rates for your telecom services and are you confident in what this is?
– Does each of your wireless phones have the right feature options and are they using the right usage plans?
– Would you be able to know if your employees were improperly calling your own 800 numbers, costly information services, or producing unnecessary overages of any kind?
Frankly, do you have sufficient visibility and management control over telecom usage?
– Who in your organization has the time or expertise to go through every invoice from every telecom – vendor line-by-line?
– Could their time be better spent?
– Do you have an accurate inventory of all company telecom assets & services?
– Can you break down your costs by division, service type, location, and cost by employee?
– Do you have guidelines in place for telecom usage?
– How is your telecom budgets monitored for efficiency?
– Who can efficiently report telecom invoice problems to the right department?
– On what information do you forecast future telecom expenses and how accurate is it?
– What does the “man in the mirror” say when you ask him these questions? Go ahead… I double dog dare you to ask these questions.
If you’re not satisfied with what condition your wireless condition is in… Give a telecom expense management provider with Integrity a call we can help!