Constitution Internet Kelley’s Tele
For about three weeks now, I’ve had nothing but trouble connecting to web sites. One minute, everything connected good and quick. The following minute, it was sluggish. A couple of minutes later, I had no entry in anyway. The signal was dropping, and/or there were a number of dropped packets.
I applied for Smartbro wimax last June 30, 2012. The connection is so gradual I am unable to hardly connect using skype. The one motive I want the internet is to communicate with my husband oversees. Insteas for the web to deliver us nearer it turns into our source of disputes because we can’t hardly talk and undertand one another. I known as smartbro hotline and I was told that the results of my speed check signifies that I’ve an excellent connection. What the f__k it means even when the actual connections sucks they do not care bec the registerd … Read the rest